The Significance of Sensation in Reading Contemporary Innovative Poetry.
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Birkbeck (University of London)
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Birkbeck (University of London)
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Poetry is composed of sensation: this Deleuzian assertion is the bedrock of mythesis. I do not argue that only innovative poetry is sensational, but it is clearly so andfor full comprehension it should be read as such. Sensation's significance isevidenced by modernist history: modernist poetry broke with representationalisttraditions, no longer primarily depicting something beyond itself but existing foritself. As a result, poetry cannot be comprehensively thought as meaning: poetry isitself real, possessing real force - composed of sensations. This is difficult to grasp aspoetry continues to use language, meaning's primary medium. J.H. Prynne's workhas becomes synonymous with this difficulty: his consequently marginalised workcomes under particular scrutiny as I closely engage innovative poems themselves.Closely attending to readerly experience, I examine innovative poetics, looking athow two poems, one each by Prynne and Anna Mendelssohn, operate asperformative aesthetic and sensational practices. Importantly, I relate these poems tothe lyric, a basis they reconfigure. The lyric is central to contemporary poetry as anexpression of the subject, a form of selfhood axiomatic to capitalism. This necessary .aesthetic study, rendering poems discrete objects, remains abstracted: poems arenot discrete. The relationship between lyric and subject suggests a social dimensionand I argue that innovative poetry is a form of social thought. Denise Riley's poetry,which thinks the social/individual relationship by way of sensation, and a poem byPrynne that approaches the holocaust through sensation without reducing it toconcepts, demonstrate this. The subject's persistent return prompts a focus ondeterritorialisations of selfhood, investigated through quite different poems byDouglas Oliver, John Wilkinson and Geraldine Monk, each bringing the reader intosubstantively new contact with the world. These enquiries consistently generatepolitical concerns that I address through discussion of the work of D.S. Marrio!,Riley, Andrea Brady and Keston Sutherland. Sometimes despite themselves, thesepoems produce a happiness that is the promise of a different form of humanexistence, more fully situated, and in greater connection with the world; a promisealways left unfulfilled because it is unsustainable in society as it is currentlyconstituted.