the relationship between the different stages of international human rights protection (negotiations, ratification, implementation and enforcement of human rights treaties) and sovereignty of both the state and legis
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The University of Birmingham
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The University of Birmingham
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This thesis examines the relationship between human rights treaties and sovereigntyof both the state and legislature of the United Kingdom. In order to do this the thesisexamines the meaning of state sovereignty at international law and legislativesovereignty within a state. The relationship between the two sovereignty doctrines andthe various stages of protection under human rights treaties (negotiations, ratification,implementation and enforcement) is examined with particular attention on theEuropean Convention on Human Rights 1950 and the International Covenant on Civiland Political Rights 1966. Following a brief introduction, chapter one identifies amodel of state sovereignty for use throughout the thesis. Chapter two analyses themeaning of legislative sovereignty with particular reference to the UK Parliament'ssovereign status. In chapter three the relationship between the two sovereigntydoctrines is examined. Chapter four analyses the implications for sovereignty of entryinto a human rights treaty. Chapter five explores the relationship between the twosovereignty doctrines and the implementation and enforcement of these treaties. Inchapter six the perceptions as to the relationship between sovereignty and humanrights treaties, held by both the UK government and treaty bodies, will be analysed.Finally, chapter seven will explore further the conclusions of this thesis.