a developmental stage in the life course of ballet dancers
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Birkbeck (University of London)
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Birkbeck (University of London)
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Retirement in ballet dancers receives relatively little attention in psychology and sociology.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the experiences of retirement and career transitionin ballet dancers, from a life course perspective. The study is based on the assumption thatretiring from a professional dancing career can be a fairly difficult process for those whoidentify themselves highly with their role. It aimed at exploring the different factorsinfluencing this process, and the ways in which they account for either a positive orproblematic transition. Drawing upon existing life span and transition models (Erikson, 1963;Levinson et al. 1978; Schlossberg, 1981) as well as from sport literature (Taylor & Ogilvie,1994), and social gerontological theories (Atchley, 1989; Cumming & Henry, 1961;Havighurst, 1963) the study explored the meaning of retirement for ballet dancers, whilst alsocritically examining the usefulness ofthese existing models.The study was divided into three phases. All three phases used an idiographicapproach and the methods of analysis used were: elements of Interpretative PhenomenologicalAnalysis (IPA) and tenets of Grounded Theory. Through hermeneutic data gathering the studyanalysed semi-structured interviews from 14 international ballet dancers. The results from thethree phases of analysis identified four main themes and a range of sub-categories. These werecompiled into a theoretical Model, described and applied to the findings to illustrate theirtheoretical utility. The four main themes emerging from the analysis were: 'Reasons forRetirement', 'Sources and Types of Support', 'Coping Within & Without', and 'FloatingResolutions: The Sequels'. These themes provided a framework for the analysis of theretirement experience of the individual ballet dancer as it is experienced within theindividual's life world. The 'Contextual Factors', 'Personal Resources' and 'EmotionalResponses', which illuminated the further complexity of participants' meaning making aroundthe process, were also identified as being central elements in the change. The social contextin which the transition occurred influenced the way and the types of support sought by eachindividual. The Responses of the individuals were analysed at three points of the transitionprocess: the time leading up to the disengagement from the ballet world, the event itself, andthe period of re-engagement with a new role and new life. It was found that the individual canexperience different responses, which necessitate different types of support. Different types ofoutcomes were identified with some ex-ballet dancers engaging with similar professions to thedancing career as 're-makers', and others leaping into different roles as 'exposers'. For some,a link to the past seemed to remain part of their newly formed identities. Finally the thesisdiscusses some of the practical implications for the future career development and careerguidance needed. Accepting the change, adapting skill-based and recognising thetransferability of skills previously acquired can assist tanner dancers and other individualswho face phases of transitions throughout their life span.