Asiatic cholera and the development of public health in Belfast 1832-1878
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Farrell , Nigel Sean
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Ulster University
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Ulster University
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Prior to the development of modern epidemiological and laboratory medicine in the latter partof the nineteenth century infectious disease was a characteristic feature of everyday life inIreland. A number of diseases, including, fever, tuberculosis, dysentery and cholera oftenescalated into serious epidemic outbreaks. Not only did such diseases demonstrate thesignificance of the absence of a comprehensive medical understanding of disease aetiology,dissemination and treatment, they also served to highlight the problems of health, hygieneand sanitation particularly in the industrialising world. Above all however, Asiatic cholerastands out by the extent to which it engendered public panic and by the manner in which itfocused the attention of medical men, legislators and the general public towards tackling theinadequacies of public health provision. While it may not have had the demographic impactof 'fever' or other illnesses, the fight against cholera can therefore be said to have beeninstrumental in changing centuries old attitudes regarding sanitation and hygiene.As the predominant focus of previous studies of cholera in Ireland have been the outbreaks of1831/3 and 1848/9, with less regard given to its later outbreaks, the following thesis makes aunique contribution to Irish medical and social history by examining the impact of cholera'sfour major nineteenth century epidemics and their influence on the development of publichealth provision in Belfast until the period before the introduction of the 'Public Health(Ireland) Act' in 1878. In doing so this thesis will add significantly to our knowledgeregarding cholera and the progress of public health in Ulster particularly the influence ofcholera's hitherto under researched epidemics in the latter half of the nineteenth century.There are a number of important reasons for such a case study, not least because Belfast wasthe first town in Ireland to be afflicted by cholera in three out of the four epidemicsexperienced between 1832 and 1866. It is also a period which is distinct not only in terms ofthe development of Belfast's political, social, moral and industrial development, but it is alsoone during which diseases like cholera serve to highlight the successes and inadequacies ofdeveloping public health provision.