Energy Internet is an innovative concept of the energy system which has aroused the idea of the next generation smart grid. Efficient use of renewable energy, global emissions problems, and surge in power demand are recent challenges in the energy sector. Energy Internet (EI) is an emerging solution for these challenges, as it is the advanced integration of energy, power electronics, and internet technologies. This report reviews a technical and systematic development of the EI system and the framework of EI architecture with their sub-modules. This research also gives the specific exploration of EI approaches in the world, i.e. Internet of Energy (E- Energy), the future renewable electric energy delivery and management system (FREEDM), the digital grid (DG) and ongoing projects. The aim of this research is to present a comprehensive review of the energy internet, with its varying concepts, architectures, applications, and challenges in the energy world. It is concluded that the EI system will hopefully lead to greater efforts towards the progress of the future smart grid system.