Assessment of Sweetpotato Genotypes for Higher Yield and Nutrition in Piedmont Soil
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Hossain, Md Abu Shahadat
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Islam, A.F.M. Saiful
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Sylhet Agricultural University
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Sylhet Agricultural University
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Nine sweetpotato genotypes were assessed mainly in quest of higher yield and rich in nutrition in piedmont soil of Bangladesh. In this regard four local genotypes viz. Local-1, Local-2, Local-5, Local-8 and four exotic genotypes viz. Exotic-1, Exotic-2, Exotic-3 and Exotic-4 were evaluated along with a check variety BARI SP-4 considering some determinants viz. morphophysiological characteristics, yield potential, nutritional status, sensory qualities and cost effectiveness in production. To achieve the goals three field trials on three different soil series viz. Ramgarh, Khadimnagar and Bijipur, and two laboratory studies viz. chemical test and sensory test were performed during October 2015 to April 2018 at Sylhet Sadar Upazila and six genotypes viz. Local-1, Local-2, Local-8, Exotic-2, Exotic-3 and BARI SP-4 were selected based on the yield and nutritional status. Then the selected genotypes were further examined in field trial on three planting dates viz. 8 September, 8 October and 8 November. Field trials were conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design whereas chemical analyses were done in analytical methods with three replications and sensory evaluation on the scores of a panellist of ten members. Field and laboratory data were analysed using MSTAT-C software while sensory data were analysed following median analysis using Minitab 17 statistical software. Results showed that Local-8, Local-5 and Local-1 had higher vine establishment rate. Chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b and leaf carotenoids had no positive effect on storage root dry weight up to 90 days after planting (DAP) in all genotypes. After 120 days of planting chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b had positive significant effect on storage root dry weight in Local-1 and Local-8, whereas leaf carotenoids had positive effect on storage root dry weight in Local-1, Local-8 and Exotic-3. Crop growth rates of Local-1 (61.72 g m-2 day-1) and Local-8 (62.50 g m-2 day-1) of growth stage 105-120 DAP showed the highest leaf area index (LAI) 11.36 and 13.34, respectively while Local-1 had the highest LAI on 8 October planting and Local-8 and Local-2 on 8 November planting. Relative growth rate (mg gdwt-1 day-1) of Local-1 (53.7) and Local-8 (53.9) had the highest at growth stage 90-105 DAP. Net assimilate rate (NAR) of Local-1 and Local-8 followed sigmoid growth pattern and the highest NAR were 0.251 and 0.284 mg cm-2 day-1, respectively at growth stage 105-120 DAP. The bulking rates (g day-1) of storage root were higher from 105 to 120 DAP in Local-1 (22.70), Local-8 (16.92) and Local-2 (17.90). Primary vine number (r = 0.734**), secondary vine number (r = 0.544**), leaf number (r = 0.687**), leaf area index (r = 0.391**), total dry matter (r = 0.876**), storage root diameter (r = 0.589**) and storage roots fresh weight (r = 0.910**) had positive significant correlation with yield. The higher net margin and benefit-cost ratio (BCR) were in Local-1, Local-8 and Local-2. The highest BCR and the lowest days to storage root initiation were observed on 8 October planting. Short duration genotypes (<120 days) were Local-2, Local-8 and check variety BARI SP-4 while medium duration (120 to ≤150 days) genotypes were Local-1 and Exotic-3. Yield potential of Local-1 and Local-8 were high in all planting dates. The response of yield to soil series were as Bijipur > Ramgarh > Khadimnagar. Genotypes Exotic-1, Local-1, Local-8 and Exotic-3 had soft, succulent petioles and green leaves at all harvesting dates. Leaves of Exotic-1, Local-5, Exotic-3 and Local-1 showed more nutritious in chemical test while tops of Local-1, local-8, Local-5 and Exotic-3 showed better in sensory evaluation. Chemical test showed storage root of Exotic-3, Local-8 and Local-1 as more nutritious while sensory test indicated Local-1, Local-2, Local-8 and Exotic-3 for steamed purpose and Local-2, Exotic-3 for fresh chewing. In conclusion, Local-1 and Local-8 were found suitable for higher yield and nutrition in piedmont soil where Local-8 was found to be cost effective for early October and Local-1 for early November planting.