Application and testing of a dynamic flood wave model
General Material Designation
First Statement of Responsibility
U. Chatwani
Subsequent Statement of Responsibility
J. A. McCorquodale
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University of Windsor (Canada)
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
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Dissertation or thesis details and type of degree
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University of Windsor (Canada)
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Text of Note
An unsteady flow open channel model called MOBED has been modified and tested. Model-MOBED can be used to solve a number of practical river engineering problems. MOBED, a flexibly designed model is based on a numerical solution of St. Venant's equations and a sediment continuity equation that predicts unsteady flows in both mobile bed channels and rigid boundary channels. The model source code has been modified with respect to input formatting. The sensitivity and stability of the model was tested to determine the importance of input variables and discretization parameters. The model gave stable and accurate results for practical engineering purposes. The steady state mobile bed component of the model was evaluated using data from the link canals of Pakistan. The original model uses Kishi and Kuroki's (1974) friction relations which appear to give good results for R/D{65} < 2000. The model was modified to incorporate the new friction parameters to take into account the larger canals with R/D{65} > 2000 as well as higher Reynold numbers. After the modification, results are in agreement with the field data. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)