Revision of: Handbook of spectroscopy / edited by G. Gauglitz and T. Vo-Dinh. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2003
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references and index
Text of Note
edited by Gunter Gauglitz and David S. Moore
Text of Note
Volume 1. Section 1. Sample preparation and sample pretreatment. Preparation of liquid and solid samples / Brian M. Cullum and Tuan Vo-Dinh ; Liquid and solid sample collection / Paolo de Zorzi -- Section 2. Methods 1 : Optical spectroscopy. Basics of optical spectroscopy / Martin Hof and Radek Machan ; Instrumentation / Valdas Sablinskas ; Measurement techniques / Gerald Steiner ; Applications / Valdas Sablinskas, Gerald Steiner, Martin Hof, and Radek Machan -- Section 3. Methods 2 : NMR. An introduction to solution, solid-state, and imaging NMR spectroscopy / Leslie G. Butler ; Solution NMR spectroscopy / Gary E. Martin, Chad E. Hadden, and David J. Russell ; Suspended-state NMR spectroscopy )high-resolution magic angle spinning )HR-MAS( NMR spectroscopy( / Markus Kramer and Klaus Albert ; Solid-state NMR / Steven P. Brown and Lyndon Emsley -- Section 4. Methods 3 : Mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometry / Michael Przybylski ; Multiparametric analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteome profiling in gestation-related diseases / Michael O. Glocker, Claudia Rower, Manja Wolter, Cornelia Koy, Toralf Reimer, and Ulrich Pecks ; Laser-assisted mass spectrometry / David Touboul and Renato Zenobi -- Volume 2. Section 5. Methods 4 : Elemental analysis. X-ray fluorescence analysis / Koen Janssens ; Atomic absorption spectrometry )AAS( and atomic emission spectrometry )AES( / Erwin Rosenberg and Ulrich Panne ; Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry / Jose Alfons Clement Broekaert ; Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry )LA-ICPMS( / Bodo Hattendorf and Detlef Gunther -- Section 6. Methods 5 : Surface analysis. Electron probe techniques / Christopher George Havelock Walker ; Ion/neutral probe techniques / Anna Mackova and Andrew Pratt ; Photon probe techniques / Simon Morton -- Section 7. Methods 6 : Spectroscopy in nano dimensions. Single-molecule spectroscopy / Frank Schleifenbaum, Christian Blum, Marc Brecht, Alfred J. Meixner ; Single-molecule interfacial electron-transfer dynamics / Hong Peter Lu ; Scanning near-field gap-mode microscopy / Dai Zhang and Alfred J. Meixner -- Volume 3. Section 8. Applications 1 : Bioanalysis. Trends in bioanalytical spectroscopy / Willem M. Albers ; Quality assessment of spectroscopic methods in clinical laboratories / Heike Schneider, Georg Kurz, and Peter B. Luppa ; UV-Vis and NIR fluorescence spectroscopy / Gabor Patonay, Garfield Beckford, and Pekka Hanninen ; Principles of vibrational spectroscopic methods and their application to ioanalysis / David S Moore, Peter Uhd Jepsen, and Karel Volka ; Bioanalytical NMR spectroscopy / Perttu Permi ; Direct optical detection in bioanalytics / Gunter Gauglitz and Nicholas J. Goddard -- Section 9. Applications 2 : Polymer analysis. Surface plasmon spectroscopy methods and electrochemical Aanalysis / Akira Baba and Rigoberto Advincula ; Applications of Fourier transform infrared )FTIR( imaging / Al de Leon, Brylee Tiu, Joey Mangadlao, Katrina Pangilinan, Pengfei Cao, and Rigoberto Advincula ; Photon correlation spectroscopy coupled with field-flow fractionation for polymer analysis / J. Ray Runyon and S. Kim Ratanathanawongs Williams ; Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy and molecularly imprinted polymer )MIP( sensors / Allan Cyago and Rigoberto Advincula -- Section 01. Applications 3 : Environmental analysis. LC-MS in environmental analysis / Sophie Bourcier and Michel Sablier ; Ion attachment mass spectrometry for environmental analysis / Yuki Kitahara, Seiji Takahashi, Masamichi Tsukagosi, Juhasz Marta, and Toshihiro Fujii ; Immunoassays / Gunther Proll and Markus Ehni -- Section 11. Applications 4 : Process control. Process control in chemical manufacturing / Dieter Fischer, Stefan Stieler, and Stephan Kuppers ; Process control using spectroscopic tools in pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology / Michael Brudel, Uwe Schmidt, Holger Mueller, and Stephan Kuppers ; Applications of optical spectroscopy to process environments / Stephan Kuppers ; Spectral imaging in quality and process control / Rudolf W. Kessler and Waltraud Kessler ; Trends in spectroscopic techniques for process control / Michael Maiwald, Igor Gornushkin, and Markus Ostermann -- Volume 4. Section 21. Applications 6 : Spectroscopy at surfaces. Optical spectroscopy at surfaces / Georgeta Salvan and Dietrich R.T. Zahn ; NEXAFS studies at surfaces / Maria Benedetta Casu and Thomas Chasse ; The X-ray standing wave technique / Alexander Gerlach and Frank Schreiber ; Photoelectron spectroscopy applications to materials science / Maria Benedetta Casu and Thomas Chasse -- Section 31. Applications 7 : Nano-optics. Miniaturized optical sensors for medical diagnostics / Seong-Soo Kim and Boris Mizaikoff ; Tip-enhanced near-field optical microscopy / Achim Hartschuh ; Optical waveguide spectroscopy / James S. Wilkinson -- Section 41. Hyphenated techniques. Mass spectral detection / John C. Fetzer ; Optical detection / John C. Fetzer ; Atomic spectral detection / John C. Fetzer ; NMR as a chromatography detector / Klaus Albert -- Section 51. General data treatment : databases/spectral libraries. Optical spectroscopy / Steffen Thiele and Reiner Salzer ; Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy / Wolfgang Robien ; Mass spectrometry / Wolfgang Werther ; Raman spectroscopy fundamentals / David Moore