654. Reza Shah's Court Minister: Teymourtash / Miron Rezun.--655. Iranl: Past and Present / Vail Motter.--656. The History of the British Petroleum Company- Volume I:The Developing Years 1901-1932 / Tim Niblock.--657. Roots of Revolution: An Interpretive History of Modern Iran / Mary-Jo Del Vecchio Good.--658. Iran under the Pahlavis / M. E. Yapp.--659. Martyrdom: Mytho-Cathexis and the Mobilization of the Masses in the Iranian Revolution / Jill Diane Swenso.--660. Under Five Shahs; Nationalism in Iran / H. D. Purcell.--661. The Modernization of Iran, 1921-1941 / T. J. Leonard.--662. Musaddiq's Memoirs: The End of the British Empire in Iran / M. E. Yapp.--663. Comments on Skocpol / Nikki R. Keddie.--664. Education and the Making of Modern Iran / Janet Afary.--665. The Modernization of Iran, 1921-1941 / Daniel Lerner.--666. The Political of Iranian Place-Names / Peter G. Lewis.--667. Reza Shah / Ann K. S. Lambton
General Material Designation
#A collection of articles on Iranian and Middle East studies )59(