Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes bibliographical references (p. 223-227) and indexes.
Text of Note
1. Narrative and life : the universality of narrative ; Narrative and time ; Narrative perception -- 2. Defining narrative : The bare minimum ; Story and narrative discourse ; The mediation (construction) of story ; Constituent and supplementary events ; Narrativity -- 3. The borders of narrative : Framing narratives ; Paratexts ; The outer limits of narrative ; Hypertext narrative ; Is it narrative or is it life itself? -- 4. The rhetoric of narrative : The rhetoric of narrative ; Causation ; Normalization ; Masterplots ; Narrative rhetoric at work -- 5. Closure : Conflict: the agon ; Closure and endings ; Closure, suspense, and surprise ; Closure at the level of expectations; Closure at the level of questions ; The absence of closure -- 6. Narration : A few words on interpretation ; The narrator ; Does the narrator narrate everything? ; Voice ; Focalization ; Distance ; Reliability ; Free indirect style ; Narration on stage and screen -- 7. Interpreting narrative : The implied author ; Underreading ; Gaps ; Cruxes ; Repetition: themes and motifs -- 8. Three ways to interpret narrative : The question of wholeness in narrative ; Intentional readings ; Symptomatic readings ; Adaptive readings -- 9. Adaptation across media : Adaptation as creative destruction ; Duration and pace ; Character; Figurative language ; Gaps ; Focalization ; Constraints of the marketplace -- 10. Character and self in narrative : Character vs. action ; Flat and round characters ; Can characters be real? ; Types ; Autobiography ; Life writing as performative -- 11. Narrative and truth : Fiction and nonfiction ; How do we know if it's fiction or nonfiction ; Historical fact in fiction ; The truth of fiction -- 12. Narrative worlds : Narrative space ; The mind of the storyworld ; Multiple worlds: forking-path narratives ; Multiple worlds: narrative metalepsis -- 13. Narrative contestation : A contest of narratives ; A narrative lattice-work ; Shadow stories ; Motivation and personality ; Masterplots and types ; Revising cultural masterplots ; Battling narratives are everywhere -- 14. Narrative negotiation : Narrative negotiation ; Critical reading as narrative negotiation ; Closure, one more time ; The end of closure?