The language and literature reader /[compiled by] Ronald Carter and Peter Stockwell.
General Material Designation
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc.
New York
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc.
: Routledge
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc.
, 2008.
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item
xii,306p. cm.
Text of Note
Text of Note
Includes index.
Text of Note
Taking a poem to pieces / John Sinclair -- Stylistics / David Lodge -- Linguistic function and literary style / Michael Halliday -- On the deviance of literary discourse / Henry Widdowson -- Language, linguistics and literary analysis / Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Mary Louise Pratt -- Linguistic criticism / Roger Fowler -- Metre / Geoffrey Leech -- Discourse analysis and drama / Mick Short -- Poem, reader, response / Michael Toolan -- Style and interpretation in Hemingway's 'Cat in the rain' / Ron Carter -- Changing the guard at Elsinore / Walter Nash -- But what is literature? / Willie van Peer -- Deixis and the poetic persona / Keith Green -- Bakhtin, addressivity, and the poetics of objectivity / Alison Tate -- Teach yourself rhetoric / Katie Wales -- World enough and time / Paul Werth -- Making the subtle difference / Guy Cook -- Educating the reader / Jean Jacques Weber -- Satirical humour and cultural context / Paul Simpson -- (Sur)real stylistics / Peter Stockwell -- Feeling moved by metaphor / Ray Gibbs -- Point of view in drama / Dan McIntyre -- Conrad in the computer / Michael Stubbs -- 'Split selves' in fiction and in medical 'life stories' / Catherine Emmott -- Too much blague? / Joanna Gavins -- A cognitive stylistic approach to mind style in narrative fiction / Elena Semino -- Connectives in free indirect style / Violeta Sotirova -- Stylistics / Ron Carter and Peter Stockwell.