1. <A> dictionary of the underworld, British & American, being the vocabularies of crooks, criminals, racketeers, beggars and tramps, convicts, the commerical underworld, the drug traffic, the white slave traffic, spivs
پدیدآورنده :
کتابخانه: Library of Iranology of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)
موضوع : Cant - Dictionaries,English language - Slang - Dictionaries
رده :

2. A dictionary of the underworld, British & American, being the vocabularies of crooks, criminals, racketeers, beggars and tramps, convicts, the commercial underworld, the drug traffic, the white slave traffic, spivs
پدیدآورنده :
کتابخانه: State Department Library (Tehran)
موضوع : Cant - Dictionaries,English language - Slang - Dictionaries,English language - Great Britain - Slang - Dictionaries,English language - United States - Slang - Dictionaries,Americanisms - Dictionaries

3. A dictionary of the underworld,British & American, being the vocabularies of crooks, criminals, racketeers, beggars and tramps, convicts, the commercial underworld, the drug traffic, the white slave traffic, spivs.
پدیدآورنده :
کتابخانه: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
موضوع : Cant--Dictionaries.,English language--Slang--Dictionaries.,Cant--Dictionaries.--Great Britain,Cant--Dictionaries.--United States
رده :