1. Shah Abdul Latif of Bhit, his poetry, life, and times ; A study of literary, social and economic conditions in eighteenth century sind
پدیدآورنده : By H. T. Sorley
کتابخانه: Library of Faculty Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
موضوع : Abd al-Latif, Shah, ca.1689-ca.1752-- Criticism and interpretation,Civilization, Modern-- 18th century,Sindh (Pakistan)--Civilization.

2. Shah Abdul Latif of Bhit: his poetry, life and times a study of literary, Social and ecoromic conditions in eighteenth centur sind
پدیدآورنده : /by H. T. Sorley
کتابخانه: National Library and Archives of Islamic Republic of Iran (Tehran)
موضوع : عبداللطیف، شاه، ۱۶۸۹ - ۱۷۵۲؟ -- نقد و تفسیر.,تمدن جدید -- قرن ۱۸م.,سند -- تمدن.
رده :
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