Introduction: A Rorschach test -- The politics of power : who watches the watchmen? -- The superman exists, and he's American : morality in the face of absolute power / Christopher Obichaud -- Can we steer this rudderless world? : Kant, Rorschach, retributivism, and honor / Jacob M. Held -- Super vigilantes and the Keene Act / Tony Spanakos -- Superheroes and supermen : finding Nietzsche's Bermensch in Watchmen / Joseph Keeping -- The Veidt plan : Watchmen and ethics -- Means, ends, and the critique of pure superheroes / J. Robert Loftis -- The virtues of nite owl's potbelly / Mark D. White -- Rorschach : when telling the truth is wrong / Alex Nuttall -- The metaphysics of Dr. Manhattan -- Dr. Manhattan, I presume? / James DiGiovanna -- Dr. Manhattan and Bergson's theory of simultaneous time / Chris Drohan -- Free will and foreknowledge : does Jon really know what Laurie will do next and can she do otherwise? / Arthur Ward -- I'm just a puppet who can see the strings : Dr. Manhattan as a stoic sage / Andrew Terjesen -- This is not your father's comic book -- Why don't you go read a book or something? : watchmen as literature / Aaron Meskin -- Watchwomen / Sarah Donovan and Nick Richardson -- Hooded justice and Captain Metropolis : the ambiguously gay duo / Robert Arp -- What's so goddamned funny? : the comedian and Rorschach on life's way / Taneli Kukkonen
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
عنصر شناسه ای
، Moore, Alan,3591-Watchmen
عنصر شناسه ای
Moral and ethical aspects ، Comic books, strips, etc
رده بندی ديویی
رده بندی کنگره
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نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )