یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
PT. 1. OVERVIEW OF THE FRONTAL LOBES -- 1. The human frontal lobes : an introduction / Bruce L. Miller -- 2. Conceptual and clinical aspects of the frontal lobes / Jeffrey L. Cummings and Bruce L. Miller -- PT. 2. ANATOMY -- 3. Frontal-subcortical circuits / Tiffany W. Chow and Jeffrey L. Cummings -- 4. The dorsolateral and cingulate cortex / Daniel I. Kaufer -- 5. The orbitofrontal cortex and the insula / Jennifer Ogar and Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini -- 6. Structural and frontal asymmetries of the human frontal lobes / Daniel H. Geschwind and Marco Iacoboni -- 7. Gross morphology and architectonics / Daniella Andrea Carlin -- 8. Evolution of the frontal lobes / Harry J. Jerison -- PT. 3. NEUROCHEMISTRY -- 9. Serotonin and the frontal lobes / Philippe H. Robert, Michel Benoit, and Hervé Caci -- 10. Oiling the gears of the mind : roles for acetylcholine in the modulation of attention / Serena Amici and Adam L. Boxer -- 11. The mesocortical dopaminergic system / Antonello Bonci and Susan Jones -- PT. 4. FUNCTIONAL AND STRUCTURAL IMAGING APPROACHES -- 12. Structural imaging of the frontal lobes / Howard Rosen and David Dean -- 13. Unifying prefrontal cortex function : executive control, neural networks, and top-down modulation / Adam Gazzaley and Mark D'Esposito -- 14. Insight into frontal lobe function from functional neuroimaging studies of episodic memory / W. Dale Stevens and Cheryl L. Grady -- 15. The frontal lobes and autobiographical memory / Margaret C. McKinnon, Eva Svoboda, and Brian Levine -- 16. Planning and the brain / Jordan Grafman -- 17. Principles of motor control by the frontal lobes as revealed by the study of voluntary eye movements / Adam L. Boxer -- PT. 5. NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS -- 18. Bedside frontal lobe testing / Joel H. Kramer and Lovingly Quitania -- 19. New approaches to prefrontal lobe testing / Donald T. Stuss -- 20. Language and frontal cortex / Argye E. Hillis -- 21. Self-representation and the frontal lobes / William W. Seeley and Virginia E. Sturm -- 22. Frontal dysfunction and capacity to consent to treatment or research : conceptual considerations and empirical evidence / Laura B. Dunn, Barton W. Palmer, and Jason H.T. Karlawish -- 23. Social cognition in frontal injury / Katherine P. Rankin -- PT. 6. NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES -- 24. Clinical aspects of frontotemporal dementia / Pei-Ning Wang and Bruce L. Miller -- 25. Genetics and neuropathology of frontotemporal dementia / Nigel J. Cairns, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, and John Q. Trojanowski -- 26. Imaging in frontotemporal dementia / Murray Grossman -- 27. Progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal degeneration, and the frontal cortex / Irene van Balken and Irene Litvan -- 28. Frontal variant of Alzheimer's disease / Julene K. Johnson, Arne Brun, and Elizabeth Head -- 29. Vascular disease of the frontal lobes / Ae Young Lee and Helena Chui -- 30. Parkinson's disease with and without dementia and Lewy body dementia / Bruno Dubois, Bernard Pillon, and Ian G. McKeith -- 31. Neurosurgical intervention for psychiatric illness : past, present, and future / Anthony P. Weiss, Scott L. Rauch, and Bruce H. Price -- 32. Infectious, inflammatory, and demyelinating disorders / Douglas W. Scharre -- 33. Traumatic brain injury / Judith Aharon-Peretz and Rachel Tomer -- 34. Adult-onset genetic disorders involving the frontal lobes / Michael D. Geschwind, Grace Yoon, and Jill Goldman -- 35. Frontal lobe development in childhood / Carole Samango-Sprouse -- PT. 7. PSYCHIATRIC DISEASES -- 36. Frontal lobe functioning in schizophrenia : evidence from neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, and psychophysiology / Susan A. Legendre Ropacki and William Perry -- 37. Bipolar disorder and the frontal lobes / Mary G. DeMay, Danijela Pavlic, and Bruce L. Miller -- 38. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and the frontal lobes / Denys Fontaine, Vianney Mattei, and Philippe H. Robert -- 39. Depression and the frontal lobes / Ira M. Lesser and Julia A. Chung