1 Physical Characteristics of Ultrasound --;1. Introduction --;2. Acoustic Waves --;3. Parameters on an Ultrasonic Wave --;4. Ultrasonic Transducers --;5. Characteristics of Ultrasound Beams --;6. Reflection and Refraction --;7. Absorption and Scattering --;8. Conclusion --;Appendix: Mathematical Derivations of Physical Characteristics --;References --;2 Biophysical Mechanisms of Ultrasound --;1. Introduction --;2. Thermal Mechanism --;3. Stress Mechanisms --;4. Cavitation --;5. Conclusions --;References --;3 Ultrasonic Measurement Techniques and Equipment Output Levels --;1. Introduction --;2. Measurement Parameters --;3. Techniques and Instrumentation --;4. Ultrasound Equipment Output Levels --;References --;4 Selected Biological Effects of Ultrasound --;1. Introduction --;2. Whole-Body Radiation --;3. Tissues and Organs --;4. Cells and Microorganisms --;5. Biomacromolecules and Their Assemblages --;6. Concluding Remarks --;7. Acknowledgments --;References --;5 Clinical Applications of Diagnostic Ultrasound --;1. Introduction --;2. Head --;3. Neck --;4. Chest --;5. Abdomen --;6. Pelvis --;7. Extremities --;8. Conclusion --;6 Ultrasound Therapy --;1. Introduction --;2. Therapeutic Devices and the Ultrasound Field --;3. Quality Assurance and Standards --;4. Ultrasound Transmission and Absorption in Biological Materials --;5. Applications of Therapeutic Ultrasound --;6. Minimizing Operator and Patient Exposure --;7. Contraindications for the Application of Ultrasound in Therapy --;8. Summary --;References --;7 Quality Assurance in Diagnostic Ultrasound --;1. Introduction --;2. Description of Equipment Displays --;3. Equipment Operation --;4. Routine Preventive Maintenance --;5. System Performance and Testing --;6. Routine Performance Tests --;Performance Test Worksheets --;7. Summary --;Sample Service Logs --;References --;Bibliography: Selected Quality Assurance Publications --;8 Ultrasound Standards: Regulations and Guidelines --;1. Philosophy of Developing Standards --;2. Biological Effects --;3. Types of Standards --;4. Device or Emission Standards --;5. Safe-Use Guidelines and Education --;6. International Activities --;7. National Standards --;8. Summary --;References --;Glossary of Ultrasound Terminology.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
The topics discussed should be of interest to nearly all medical and health care per- sonnel needing to understand or operate ultrasonic devices, including clini- cians, medical technicians, physiotherapists, medical physicists, and other biomedical scientists interested in the field.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Ultrasonic waves -- Physiological effect.
موضوع مستند نشده
Ultrasonics in medicine.
موضوع مستند نشده
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )
مستند نام اشخاص تاييد نشده
edited by Michael H. Repacholi and Deirdre A. Benwell.