Foreword / by Judith Sixsmith --;PART I: THEORY --;Introducing Health and Psychology --;Understanding Women's Health: Health Perspectives --;Identity Theory and an Interactive Health Identity --;Feminist as far as Possible --;The Feminist Health Identity and Critical Realism --;Investigating Women's Health: The Story so Far --;PART II: VOICE --;Narrative Touchstones of the Storied Perimenopausal Health Identity --;Reaching Out --;Interpersonal Narratives of the Perimenopausal Health Identity --;Stories of Societal Health --;The Impact of Narrated Positional, Situated and Ideological Health Representation --;PART III: PRAXIS --;Identity Actions: Bringing about Social Change.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
This book provides a three-part investigation into identity construction. Theory, voice and praxis are all represented as the book follows the rationale, stories and narrative methodology of the study of a group of women. The final part of the book presents a new model of identity construction framed in women's health identity.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Women -- Health and hygiene -- Psychological aspects.
موضوع مستند نشده
Women -- Health and hygiene -- Social aspects.
موضوع مستند نشده
Women -- Identity.
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )