The Cytological Viewpoint of Functional Compartmentation (With 1 Figure) --;Organization and Capacity of the Chloroplast Genome in Algae (With 2 Figures) --;Structure and Expression of Chloroplast and Nuclear Genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardii (With 1 Figure) --;Interactions Between Compartments in Acetabularia During Gene Expression (With 5 Figures) --;Control of Gene Expression During the Early Phase of Chloroplast Development (With 9 Figures) --;Aspects of Translational Coordination During Chloroplast Development (With 11 Figures) --;Genome and Gene Organization of the Cyanelle DNA from Cyanophora paradoxa in Relation to the Common Organization in Chloroplasts (With 4 Figures) --;The Organelle Versus Endosymbiont Problem of Cyanophora paradoxa (With 6 Figures) --;CER, Cell Surface-Flagellum Relationships During Flagellar Development (With 15 Figures) --;Regulation of Tubulin Gene Expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardii Following Flagellar Excision (With 3 Figures) --;Flagellar Root-Mediated Interactions Between the Flagellar Apparatus and Cell Organelles in Green Algae (With 16 Figures) --;Flagella Development in Chlamydomonas reinhardii: Some Regulatory Aspects Concerning the Shortening Response of the Flagella (With 7 Figures) --;The Role of Chloroplast in Cell Cycle Control of Algae Dividing by Multiple Fission --;Metabolite Regulation of the Chloroplast Genome Expression and the Chloroplast-Cytoplasm Regulatory Relationships (With 7 Figures) --;Contractile Vacuole Complexes in Algae (With 2 Figures) --;Compartmentation of Ca2+ and its Possible Role in Volume Regulation of Poterioochromonas (With 7 Figures) --;Interaction Between Chloroplast-Cytoplasm-Vacuoles with Respect to the Regulation of Nitrogen Metabolism in Chlorella (With 8 Figures) --;Mitochondria and Their Interaction with Other Cell Components (With 4 Figures) --;Interaction of the Golgi Apparatus and the Plasmalemma in the Cytomorphogenesis of Micrasterias (With 4 Figures) --;Microbodies in Different Algae (With 3 Figure) --;Cytological Aspects of Blue-Green Algal Endosymbiosis (With 16 Figures) --;Endosymbioses: Evolutionary Trends in Cellular Compartmentation --;General Aspects of Location and Interaction of Respiratory and Photosynthetic Electron Transport in Blue-Green Alage (With 4 Figures) --;Recent Aspects of Heterocyst Biochemistry and Differentiation (With 6 Figures) --;Taxonomic Index.
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موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
Life sciences.
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نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )