Historical Perspective.- 1 The Different Types of Voice Prostheses.- The Simple Semi-Permanent Supratracheal Valve Prosthesis after Total Laryngectomy.- A Second Generation Artificial Larynx Prosthesis - A Comparative Clinical Evaluation.- The Groningen Voice Prosthesis for Secondary Voice Rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy.- The Groningen Voice Prosthesis for Voice Rehabilitation During Total Laryngectomy.- The Groningen Button Results.- Voice Rehabilitation after Laryngectomy with the Groningen Voice Prosthesis: Experiences Made in Nijmegen.- The Phoniatric Results of Our Voice Prostheses (36 Cases).- The Hypopharyngeal Puncture.- Our Experiences with Delayed Primary Voice Rehabilitation.- Assessment and Management Protocol for Tracheo-Oesophageal "Puncture" Procedures.- 2 Experimental Research Regarding the Function and Handling of Voice Prostheses.- Physical Aspects of Tracheo-Oesophageal Shunt Prostheses (Pressure - Flow Measurements of a Model Prosthesis).- In Vitro Experiments Using Valve Prostheses.- Wear and Tear on the Silicon of Valve Prostheses in the Upper Digestive Tract - A Study Using Electron Microscope Scanning.- Biocompatibility of Plastic Materials.- 3 In Vivo Experiments Using Voice Prostheses.- Aerodynamic Properties of Buttons and Button-Assisted Oesophageal Speech.- In Vivo Experiments Using Valve Prostheses - Resistance and Pressure/ Time Measurement.- 4 Problems Occurring with the Inferior Pharyngeal Muscle and Their Possible Solutions.- Function of the Pharynx and Killian Mouth in Voice Production with Our Prosthesis.- The Anatomy of the Larynx, Pharynx and Cervical Oesophagus in Relation to Surgical Voice Restoration.- Glottoplasty with Functional Pharynx Surgery and Tracheostomaplasty.- 5 Indications, Results and Their Means of Evaluation.- Possible Ways of Reconstructing the Pharynx with a One-Step Operation while Attempting Voice Restoration.- Problem of the Indications for the Use of a Valved Prosthesis.- Lung Function Tests in Laryngectomized Patients.- Evaluation of Speech with and Without a "Groningen Type" Voice Button.- Intelligibility, Vocal Intensity, and Long-Term Average Spectra of Groningen Button-Oesophageal Speech.- The Postlaryngectomy Telephone Intelligibility Test (PLTT).- 4 Years Experience of Voice Production and Deglutition Using Valve Prostheses.- 6 Speech Training, Intelligibility and Psychosocial Aspects.- Speech Training of Oesophageal Voice with a Button.- Intelligibility and Psycho-Social Adjustment. A Comparison Between Patients with Oesophageal Voice and Patients with a Voice Prosthesis.- Social and Psychosocial Aspects of Vocal Rehabilitation in Laryngectomized Patients - Preliminary Results.- 7 Fingerless Voice Restoration.- Experiences with Surgical Voice Restoration.- Amatsu's Technique Using the Blom-Singer Tracheostoma Valve.- Fingerless Voice Restoration Using Amatsu's Technique.- Experience with the ESKA-Herrmann Tracheostoma Valve.- Implantation of the Recurrent Nerve and Its Possible Use as a Trigger for an Artificial Larynx.- 8 Experimental Research to Establish an Artificial Larynx.- Experimental Research to Establish an Artificial Larynx.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Artificial larynx.
موضوع مستند نشده
Laryngectomees -- Rehabilitation.
موضوع مستند نشده
Laryngectomy -- rehabilitation.
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )
مستند نام اشخاص تاييد نشده
edited by I.F. Herrmann ; in collaboration with M. Amatsu [and others].