1 Multiple Cortical Visual Areas: Visual Field Topography in the Cat --;1. Introduction --;2. Techniques --;3. Visual Field Topography --;4. Unexpected Findings --;5. Conclusion --;6. Summary --;Acknowledgments --;References --;2 Comparative Studies on The Visual Cortex --;1. Introduction --;2. Extension and Retinotopy of the Striate and Extrastriate Visual Areas in the Rat --;3. Receptive Field Properties of Neurons in the --;Striate Cortex of the Rat --;4. Striate-Extrastriate Corticocortical Connections --;in the Rat --;5. Effects of Postnatal Enucleation of the Eye on the Striate-Extrastriate Connections in the Rat --;6. Studies on the Visual Cortex of Other Rodents --;7. Thalamic Afferents to Extrastriate Visual Areas in Rodents --;8. Behavioral Studies on the Extrastriate Cortex of the Rat and Rabbit --;9. Conclusions from Studies on the Rat --;10. Cortical Connections from the Striate Cortex in the Rabbit --;11. Cortical Connections from the Striate Cortex in the Rat --;Acknowledgments --;References --;3 Multiple Representations of the Visual Field: Corticothalamic and Thalamic Organization in the Cat --;1. Introduction --;2. Retinotopic Organization in Lateral Posterior Complex --;3. Lateral Posterior Complex Organization --;4. Interconnections of Cortex and Thalamus --;5. Summary --;Acknowledgments --;References --;4 Families of Related Cortical Areas in the Extrastriate Visual System: Summary of an Hypothesis --;1. Multiple Ascending Channels in the Visual System --;2. Experimental Questions and an Hypothesis about the Thalamocortical Connections --;3. Identification of Extrageniculate Thalamic Subdivisions by Their Afferent Connections --;4. Evidence for Systematic Groupings of Thalamic-Extrastriate Connections --;5. Family Clusters in the Extrastriate Cortex --;Acknowledgments --;References --;5 Cortical and Subcortical Connections of Visual Cortex in Primates --;1. Introduction --;2. The Principal Afferent Pathways to Cortex --;3. A Brief Outline of the Subdivisions of Visual Cortex in Primates --;4. Projections of VI --;5. Projections of VII --;6. Projections of MT --;7. Projections of Other Visual Areas in the OwlMonkey --;8. Corpus Callosum Projections --;9. Connections of Subdivisions of Visual Cortex with Subcortical Structures --;10. Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Connections --;11. Laminar Patterns of Connections --;12. Conclusions --;Abbreviations --;References --;6 Organization of Extrastriate Visual Areas in the Macaque Monkey --;1. Introduction --;2. Two-Dimensional Cortical Maps --;3. Visual Areas of the Occipital Lobe --;4. Conclusion --;Acknowledgments --;References --;7 Visual Topography and Function: Cortical Visual Areas in the Owl Monkey --;1. Topographic Organization --;2. Functional Correlates --;3. Homologous Cortical Visual Areas in Other Species --;4. Significance of Multiple Cortical Areas --;Acknowledgments --;References --;8 Cortical Visual Areas of the Temporal Lobe: Three Areas in the Macaque --;1. Introduction --;2. The Middle Temporal Area (MT) --;3. Inferior Temporal Cortex (IT) --;4. Superior Temporal Polysensory Area (STP) --;5. An Hypothesis: Three Classes of Extrastriate Visual Areas --;Acknowledgments --;References.
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
In April 1979 a symposium on "Multiple Somatic Sensory Motor, Visual and Auditory Areas and Their Connectivities" was held at the FASEB meeting in Dallas, Texas under the auspices of the Committee on the Nervous System of the American Physiological Society.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )