Section One Normal Development.- 1 Embryology.- 2 Postnatal Development.- Section Two Practical Aspects of Pediatric Ophthalmology.- 3 Pediatric Eye Examination.- 4 The Pediatric Low-Vision Patient.- 5 Breaking the News: The Role of the Physician.- 6 Pediatric Ocular Trauma.- 7 Pediatric Visual Electrophysiology.- Section Three Strabismus and Amblyopia.- 8 Anatomy and Physiology of Eye Movements.- 9 Binocular Vision and Introduction to Strabismus.- 10 Visual Development and Amblyopia.- 11 Sensory Aspects of Strabismus.- 12 The Ocular Motor Examination.- 13 Esodeviations.- 14 Exotropia.- 15 Alphabet Patterns and Oblique Muscle Dysfunction.- 16 Complex Strabismus: Restriction, Paresis, Dissociated Strabismus, and Torticollis.- 17 Strabismus Surgery.- 18 Optical Pearls and Pitfalls.- Section Four Lids, Orbit, and Lacrima.- 19 Lid Malformations, Malpositions, and Lesions.- 20 Lacrimal System.- 21 Proptosis and Orbital Disease.- Section Five Anterior Segment Disease.- 22 Pediatric Conjunctivitis.- 23 Pediatric Conjunctival Tumors.- 24 Developmental Anomalies of the Anterior Segment and Globe.- 25 Corneal Abnormalities.- 26 Pediatric Iris Abnormalities.- 27 Lens Abnormalities.- Section Six Glaucoma and Uveitis.- 28 Pediatric Glaucoma.- 29 Uveitis in Children.- Section Seven Pediatric Retinal Disease.- 30 Heritable Disorders of RPE, Bruch's Membrance, and the Choriocapillaris.- 31 Retinitis Pigmentosa and Associated Disorders.- 32 Disorders of the Vitreous and Vitreoretinal Interface.- 33 Retinal Vascular Disorders.- 34 Nonvascular Hamartomas.- 35 Retinoblastoma and Malignant Intraocular Tumors.- 36 Retinopathy of Prematurity.- 37 Infectious, Inflammatory, and Toxic Diseases of the Retina and Vitreous.- 38 Myopia.- 39 Patterns of Retinal Disease in Children.- Section Eight Systemic Disease with Eye Involvement.- 40 Chromosomal Abnormalities and the Eye.- 41 Craniofacial Syndromes and Malformations.- 42 Connective Tissue, Skin, and Bone Disorders.- 43 Neurocutaneous Syndromes.- 44 Metabolic Diseases.- 45 Selected Genetic Syndromes with Ophthalmic Features.- 46 Infectious Diseases.- Section Nine Neuro-Ophthalmology.- 47 Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Examination.- 48 Ocular Motility Disorders.- 49 Cognenital Optic Nerve Abnormalities.- 50 Cortical Visual Impairment.- 51 Brain Lesions with Ophthalmic Manifestations.- 52 Nystagmus and Ocular Oscillations in Infancy and Childhood.- 53 Neurodegenerative Conditions of Ophthalmic Importance.- 54 Neurocranial Defects with Neuro-Ophthalmic Significance.- 55 Management of Common Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology Problems.- Section Ten Compendium of Inherited Diseases with Ocular Involvement.- 56 Ocular Manifestations of Inherited Diseases.
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