Rodolphe Meyer ; contributors J.-C. Berset, J.-F. Emeri, D. Simmen.
وضعیت ویراست
وضعيت ويراست
2nd ed
وضعیت نشر و پخش و غیره
محل نشرو پخش و غیره
Berlin ; Paris
نام ناشر، پخش کننده و غيره
Springer-Verlag, cop.
تاریخ نشرو بخش و غیره
مشخصات ظاهری
نام خاص و کميت اثر
XV-491 p. : ill. ; 28 cm
يادداشت کلی
متن يادداشت
Bibliogr. p. 447-491.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
1 History.- 2 General Considerations.- 3 Sociology.- 4 Jurisprudence.- 5 Anatomy.- 5.1 Bones.- 5.2 Cartilages.- 5.3 Muscles.- 5.4 Blood Supply.- 5.5 Nerve Supply.- 6 Physiology.- 7 Preoperative Evaluation.- 8 Timing.- 9 Anesthesia as Presented by J.-C. Berset.- 9.1 General Remarks.- 9.2 Techniques of Anesthesia.- 9.2.1 Choice of Technique.- 9.2.2 Description of the Techniques.- 9.3 Local Anesthesia.- 9.3.1 Local Anesthesia Techniques.- 9.3.2 Local Anesthesia Without the Anesthesiologist.- 10 Complications.- 10.1 Bleeding.- 10.2 Edema.- 10.3 Infection.- 10.4 Toxic Shock Syndrome.- 10.5 Complications Affecting the Skin.- 10.6 Injury to the Lacrimal Apparatus.- 10.7 Blindness Resulting from Arterial Occlusion After Septoplasty.- 10.8 Intracranial Injuries.- 10.9 Perforations of the Septum.- 10.10 Anosmia and Altered Sense of Smell.- 10.11 Cysts.- 11 Residual Bony Deformities.- 11.1 Introduction.- 11.2 Order of Operative Steps.- 11.2.1 Residual Bony Deformities After Rhinoplasty.- 11.2.2 Postoperative Bony Deformities.- 11.3 Removal of the Hump.- 11.3.1 Insufficient Removal of the Hump.- 11.3.2 Hump Removal by the Extramucosal Technique.- 11.3.3 Excessive Removal of the Hump.- 11.4 Osteotomies.- 11.4.1 Paramedian Osteotomy.- 11.4.2 Lateral Osteotomy.- 11.4.3 Transverse Osteotomy.- 11.4.4 Mobilization of the Bones.- 11.4.5 Correction of Wide Flat Dorsum (Open Roof).- 11.4.6 Bony Deviation.- 11.4.7 Nasofrontal Angel.- 12 Residual Deformities of the Cartilaginous Framework.- 12.1 Introduction and General Notes.- 12.2 Deformities of the Caudal Edge of the Septal Cartilage.- 12.3 Supratip Deformities.- 12.3.1 Insufficient Lowering of the Septum.- 12.3.2 Insufficient Trimming of the Dorsal Borders of the Upper Laterals.- 12.3.3 Insufficient Trimming of Septal Mucosa.- 12.3.4 Excessive Resection of Intranasal Lining.- 12.3.5 Excessive Resection of Lower Lateral Cartilage.- 12.3.6 Short Columella.- 12.3.7 Misplaced of Missha[en Grafts or Implants.- 12.3.8 Inherent Thickness of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue.- 12.3.9 Rounded and Tipless Thick Tip.- 12.4 Deformity of the Tip and Nostril Resulting from False Shaping of the Alar Cartilages.- 12.4.1 Technique of the Access.- 12.4.2 Transcartilaginous, Intracartilaginous, or Cartilage-splitting Incision.- 12.4.3 Eversion Method (Retrograde Approach from the Intercartilaginous Incision.- 12.4.4 Incision of Rethi and Similar Methods Using External Incisions.- 13 Open Procedures as Used by J.-F. Emeri.- 14 Incisions in Secondary Tip Procedures and Correction of the Middle Third of the Nose.- 14.1 Incisions in Secondary Tip Procedures.- 14.1.1 Pinocchio Nose.- 14.1.2 Too-broad Tip.- 14.2 Correction of the Middle Third of the Nose.- 15 Nasal Valve Collapse.- 15.1 Introduction.- 15.2 History of Collapse Treatment.- 15.3 Actual Therapy.- 16 Pointed Narrow Tip and Bifid Tip.- 16.1 The Pointed Narrow Tip.- 16.2 Bifid of Cleft Tip.- 17 Pinched Nose and Fibrous Prominent Tip.- 17.1 Pinched Nose.- 17.2 Fibrous Prominent Tip.- 18 Short Nose, Pig Snout Nose.- 19 Residual Deformities of the Dorsum.- 19.1 Saddle Nose.- 19.1.1 Cartilage Graft.- 19.1.2 Bone Grafting.- 19.1.3 Alloplastic Material.- 19.2 The Non-Caucasian Nose.- 20 Residual Deformities of the Inner Part of the Nose - Septorhinoplasty.- 21 Intranasal Endoscopy as Treated by D. Simmen.- 22 Crooked Nose.- 23 Turbinate Reduction.- 23.1 Conventional Procedure.- 23.2 Procedure by D. Simmen.- 24 Septal Perforations.- 24.1 Etiologies of Nasal Septal Perforation.- 24.2 Prevention of Iatrogenic Ferforations.- 24.3 Treatment of Septal Perforations.- 24.3.1 Treatment by Obturation.- 24.3.2 Surgical Treatment.- 24.3.3 Closure of Small Perforations.- 24.3.4 Closure of Medium-sized Perforations.- 24.3.5 Closure of Large Perforations.- 24.3.6 Septocolumellar Reconstruction.- 25 Surgical Treatment of Osler-Weber-Rendu Disease.- 26 Residual Deformities of the Columella.- 26.1 General Remarks (Balanced Columella, Double Angle).- 26.2 Too-short Columella.- 26.3 Binder Syndrome.- 26.4 Hidden Columella.- 26.5 Hanging Columella.- 26.6 Broad Columella.- 26.7 Oblique Columella and Other Partial Deformities of the Columella.- 27 Nasolabial Angle and Upper Lip.- 27.1 Nasolabial Angle.- 27.2 Tethered Lip.- 27.3 The Tension Nose.- 28 Residual Deformities of the Ala.- 28.1 Hanging (Hooding) Ala.- 28.1.1 Marginal Resection.- 28.1.2 Trimming the Caudal Border of the Lateral Crus of the Alar Cartilage.- 28.1.3 Trimming the Cephalic Portion of the Lateral Crus.- 28.1.4 Excision of a Strip of Lining.- 28.1.5 Lowering the Alar-Nasal Crease.- 28.2 Lowering of the Alar Rim.- 29 Stenosis and Atresia.- 29.1 Introduction.- 29.2 Stenosis of the Vestibule.- 29.3 Narrow Nasal Cavities.- 29.4 Correction of the Ozena Nose.- 29.5 Choanal Atresia.- 29.5.1 Coanal Atresia Endonasal Endoscopic Approach D. Simmen.- 29.5.2 Nasopharyngeal or Palatopharyngeal Atresia and Stenosis.- 29.6 Velopharyngoplasty.- 29.7 Snoring and Sleeping Apnea.- 30 The Aging Nose.- 31 Rhinoplasty in Children.- 31.1 Nasal Growth.- 31.2 Stuffy Nose in Childhood.- 32 Harelip Nose.- 32.1 Unilateral Harelip Nose.- 32.2 Bilateral Harelip Nose.- 33 Deformities Affecting the Skin.- 33.1 Thick Skin.- 33.2 Furrows and Dimples.- 33.3 Rhinophyma.- 33.4 Thin Skin.- 34 Dressing.- 35 Plastic Procedures in Nasal Tumors.- 35.1 General Remarks.- 35.2 Treatment of Nasal Hemangiomas.- 36 Partial and Total Reconstruction of the Nose.- 36.1 Composite Grafts.- 36.1.1 Frontotemporal Flap.- 36.1.2 Septocolumellar Reconstruction.- 36.1.3 Forehead Compound Island Flap.- 36.1.4 Fronto-parieto-retroauricular Flap (Meyer).- 36.1.5 Fronto-parieto-retroauricular Flap (Galvao).- 36.1.6 Forehead Flap.- 36.2 Total External and Internal Construction in Arhinia.- 36.2.1 Embryology.- 36.2.2 Primary Surgery Performed in Al Khobar (Saudi Arabia) by Dr. Baraka.- 36.2.3 Treatment in Lausanne.- 36.3 Construction of an Internal and External Nose Necessitated by Dysplasia Resulting from Interposition of a Tumor.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Réintervention -- méthodes.
موضوع مستند نشده
Rhinoplastie -- Technique.
موضوع مستند نشده
رده بندی کنگره
شماره رده
نشانه اثر
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )
مستند نام اشخاص تاييد نشده
Rodolphe Meyer ; contributors J.-C. Berset, J.-F. Emeri, D. Simmen.