یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Foreword; Editorial Preface; Preface; List of Abbreviations; List of Contributors; Six Ecojustice Principles; Where Is the Voice of Earth in Wisdom Literature?; Wisdom Literature and Ecofeminism; Woman Wisdom''s Way: Ecokinship; Earth First: Inverse Cosmology in Job; Job 12: Cosmic Devastation and Social Turmoil; Who Cares? Reflections on the Story of the Ostrich (Job 39.13-18); Divine Creative Power and the Decentering of Creation: The Subtext of the Lord''s Addresses to Job; Plumbing the Depths of Earth: Job 28 and Deep Ecology.
متن يادداشت
''Go Forth into the Fields'': An Earth-Centered Reading of the Song of SongsEco-Delight in the Song of Songs; Ecclesiastes 3.16-22: An Ecojustice Reading, with Parallels from African Wisdom; God''s Design: The Death of Creation? An Ecojustice Reading of Romans 8.18-30 in the Light of Wisdom 1-2; ''Is the Wild Ox Willing to Serve You?'' Challenging the Mandate to Dominate; Bibliography; Index of Biblical References; Index of Authors; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; V; W; Y; Z.
بدون عنوان
بدون عنوان
یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
In this volume scholars from around the world read the story of the Earth in major Wisdom Traditions using the ecojustice principles outlined in Volume 1, 'Readings from the Perspective of Earth'. These readings uncover a range of fresh perspectives about Earth in seeking to discover where the voices of Earth are suppressed or heard in the Wisdom texts. Some texts reveal an ecokinship between Earth and Wisdom. Texts from Job challenge a cosmic model that gives priority to heaven over Earth. Still others challenge the mandate to dominate in Genesis 1.28. In many texts, Wisdom provides a vehicle.
یادداشتهای مربوط به سفارشات
منبع سفارش / آدرس اشتراک
شماره انبار
ویراست دیگر از اثر در قالب دیگر رسانه
Earth story in wisdom traditions.
شماره استاندارد بين المللي کتاب و موسيقي
عنوان به منزله موضوع
موضوع مستند نشده
Bible., Old Testament-- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
موضوع مستند نشده
Bible., Old Testament.
موضوع (اسم عام یاعبارت اسمی عام)
موضوع مستند نشده
Environmental protection-- Religious aspects-- Christianity.
موضوع مستند نشده
Human ecology in the Bible.
موضوع مستند نشده
موضوع مستند نشده
Environmental protection-- Religious aspects-- Christianity.