یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
Intro; Preface; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Maps; Chapter 1: Introduction; Historiography; The Structure of the Book; Directions for Future Research; Chapter 2: Ireland, Mercantilism, and the Navigation Acts, 1660-1686; Chapter 3: Politics, Parliament, Patriot Opinion, and the Irish National Debt in the Age of Jonathan Swift; Patriot Opinion and the Emerging Focus upon the National Debt in the Later 1720s; Negotiating the Fourfold Increase in the National Debt in Parliament, 1729; The National Debt Endangered and Secured, 1729-30
متن يادداشت
Isaac Butt, Irish Manufacturing, and the Intellectual Case for Conservative ProtectionismThe Repeal Movement and Protectionism, 1832-45; The Famine and the Free Trade/Protectionist Debate in Ireland, 1845-52; Conclusion; Chapter 7: Resistance to the Collection of Rates Under the Poor Law, 1842-44; The Introduction of the Poor Law in Ireland; Opposition to the Act; O'Connell and the Poor Law; Resistance in Waterford; Resistance in Galway; Resistance in Tuam; Amending the Law; Discussion; Chapter 8: Taxation and the Economics of Nationalism in 1840s Ireland
متن يادداشت
Long Live the Workers' and Working Farmers' Republic!Status Quo Anti-Capitalism; The Ignorant and Irresponsible Chorus; There Will Be Another Day; Chapter 13: The Irish Tax State and Historical Legacies: Slowly Converging Capacity, Persistent Unwillingness to Pay; Theoretical Framework; The Origins of the Irish Tax State, 1660-1800; Revenue Administration: The Patrimonial Irish Tax State; Popular Experiences of Taxation: Pervasive, Regressive Taxes; Taxation, 1800-1920: Overtaxed, Underdeveloped; Revenue Administration: Less Patrimonial, but Minimal
متن يادداشت
The Ascendancy of the National Debt, 1730-32Chapter 4: Patterns of Taxation in Eighteenth-Century Ireland; The Components of Irish Taxation; The Geography of Irish Taxation; Geographies of Resistance; Some Comparisons and Conclusions; Appendix; Chapter 5: Finance and Politics in Ireland, 1801-17; The Political Context; The Financial Arrangements; The Financial Consequences; The Political Consequences; Conclusions; Chapter 6: That 'Absurd Phantom Called Free Trade': The Politics of Protection in Ireland, c. 1829-52; Irish Conservatives and the Politics of Protection, 1829-32
متن يادداشت
The Budget of 1842 and the Repeal MovementLocal Taxation and Emigration During the Famine; Conclusion; Chapter 9: The Campaign Against Over-Taxation, 1863-65: A Reappraisal; Contexts, 1800-64; Disaffection, Agitation, Disintegration: The Course of the Campaign, 1860-65; Consequences, 1865-1905; Chapter 10: Tides of Change and Changing Sides: The Collection of Rates in the Irish War of Independence, 1919-21; Chapter 11: Taxation and the Revolutionary Inheritance: Tax Proposals, Legitimacy, and the Irish Free State, 1922-32; Chapter 12: The Economic War and the Pamphlet War
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
This book examines the politics of taxation in Ireland between the seventeenth and twenty-first centuries. Combining political, economic, and policy history, it contributes to a growing interdisciplinary literature on public finance, while also providing context for the ongoing debate on taxation and austerity in post-Celtic Tiger Ireland. Taxation, Politics, and Protest in Ireland illuminates a neglected aspect of Irish history, and will be of interest to scholars, policymakers, and members of the public who wish to understand a subject that is central to the modern Irish experience.
یادداشتهای مربوط به سفارشات
منبع سفارش / آدرس اشتراک
Springer Nature
شماره انبار
ویراست دیگر از اثر در قالب دیگر رسانه
Taxation, politics, and protest in Ireland, 1662--2016.