Intro; Preface; Acknowledgment; Contents; Part I: Policy and Strategy; Status on Renewable Energy Policy and Development in ASEAN; 1 Introduction; 2 Energy and Renewable Energy Status in ASEAN; 3 Renewable Energy Policy Development; 4 Methodology on Collecting the Data; 4.1 Country Experts Consultative Approach and Historical Review on ACE Databases and Studies; 4.2 REmap Analysis; 4.3 Results on REmap; 5 Findings and Recommendations; 5.1 Dynamicity of RE Policy in ASEAN; 5.2 ASEANś Country Level on RE Policy; 5.3 Feed-in Tariff for ASEAN; 5.4 Advanced Incentives and RE Auctions.
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3 Methodology on Estimating the Savings4 Results; 4.1 Historical Savings; 4.2 Projected Savings; 5 Conclusion; References; Part II: Technology Development and the Feasibility; The Needs of Solar Energy Technology from the Perspective of Aboriginal People in Tasik Chini; 1 Introduction; 2 Background of Orang Asli at the Tasik Chini; 3 Methodology; 4 Result and Discussion; 4.1 Social-Economic of the Tribes in Tasik Chini; 4.2 Electricity Supply; 5 Conclusion; Appendix A: Questionnaire of the Acceptance Level of RE to the Orang Asli Community in Tasik Chini; References.
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5.5 Grid Codes and RE Net Metering5.6 Carbon Taxes as a Regional Concern for ASEAN; 5.7 RE Planning, Potential Mapping and Databases; 6 Conclusions; References; Energy Sector in Malaysia: How Sustainable Are We?; 1 Introduction; 2 Access to Modern Energy Services; 3 Energy Subsidies and Affordability; 4 Present States: Reserves, Import and Export; 5 Overall Use and Production Patterns; 5.1 Energy Supply: Power Stations; 5.2 Renewable Energy and Fuel Mix; 5.3 Sectoral Energy Consumption; 6 Overall Energy Efficiency; 7 GHG Emissions; 8 Conclusions; References.
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Feasibility Study of Solar-Powered Hydroponic Fodder Machine in Bangladesh1 Introduction; 2 Livestock Production Scenario of Bangladesh; 3 Constraints to Livestock Production in Bangladesh; 4 What is Hydroponics?; 5 Need of Green Fodder for Cows; 6 Why Hydroponic Fodder?; 7 Introduction of Solar Power to Hydroponics; 7.1 Electricity Supply; 7.1.1 Solar-Powered Stand-Alone System; 7.1.2 Solar Grid-Connected System; 8 Summary and Conclusions; References; An Approach to Optimize Cultivable Land Use for Solar PV Installation; 1 Introduction; 2 Methodology; 3 Design and Drawing.
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Renewable Energy in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of Vietnam1 Overview of Renewable Energy in Vietnam; 2 Renewable Energy in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); 2.1 Direct Contribution; 2.2 Indirect Contribution; 3 Role of Renewable Energy in Vietnamś Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC); 4 Challenges of RE Development in Vietnam; 5 Conclusions; References; The Impact of Tenaga Suria Brunei Power Plant on Natural Gas Saving and CO2 Avoidance; 1 Introduction; 2 Tenaga Suria Brunei Power Plant.
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This book discusses aspects of policy and techno-economic analysis of renewable energy in developing countries. Renewable energy technologies have been one of the most important strategies in addressing sustainable energy development and climate change. The roles of renewable energy in developing countries are vital, which include the accessibility of modern energy services in rural areas, climate change mitigation, energy security, green job creation and eventually improvement of quality of life. Part I of this book focuses on policy and strategy, while Part II focuses on technology development and feasibility. Chapters are contributed by leading experts from the ASEAN Center of Energy, government agencies, industries, and universities from five developing countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam and Bangladesh.