یادداشتهای مربوط به کتابنامه ، واژه نامه و نمایه های داخل اثر
متن يادداشت
Includes bibliographical references and author index.
یادداشتهای مربوط به مندرجات
متن يادداشت
""Title""; ""Preface""; ""Contents""; ""Part I Atmospheric Applications""; ""A Decoupled Approach for Trajectory Generation for an Unmanned Rotorcraft""; ""Introduction""; ""Path Definition""; ""Trajectory Definition""; ""Quantification of the Velocity""; ""Velocity Minima Search Algorithm""; ""Trajectory Following Control""; ""Definition of Frames and Transformations""; ""Determination of the Velocity Command""; ""Determination of the Desired Position on a Spline""; ""Summary""; ""References""; ""A Linear Parameter Varying Controller for a Re-entry Vehicle Benchmark""; ""Introduction""
متن يادداشت
""Dubins Path Planning""""MMKP Formulation and MILP Optimisation""; ""Numerical Simulations""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""Eigenstructure Assignment and Robustness Improvement Using a Gradient-Based Method""; ""Introduction""; ""Eigenstructure Assignment""; ""Robustness Enhancement Using a Gradient-Based Method""; ""Implementation and Results""; ""Conclusions""; ""References""; ""Helical Flight Path Trajectories for Autopilot Evaluation""; ""Introduction""; ""The Helix Trajectory""; ""Automatic Helix Tracking""; ""Lateral Control Strategy""; ""Longitudinal Control Strategy""
متن يادداشت
""LPVMAD Re-entry Benchmark""""LPV Control Design""; ""Control Analysis""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""A Low Cost Small UAV Flight Research Facility""; ""Introduction""; ""UAV Testbeds""; ""Onboard Avionics""; ""Sensors""; ""Flight Computer""; ""Ground Control Station""; ""Simulation Testing""; ""Nonlinear Simulation""; ""Software-in-Loop Simulation""; ""Processor-in-Loop Simulation""; ""Flight Testing""; ""Current Activities and Future Directions""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""Adaptive Nonlinear Flight Control and Control Allocation for Failure Resilience""; ""Introduction""
متن يادداشت
""RECOVER Simulation Model""""Aerodynamic Model Identification""; ""Adaptive Nonlinear Control""; ""Evaluations of Autopilot Experiments on RECOVER: Engine Separation Scenario""; ""Control Allocation""; ""Conclusions and Future Work""; ""References""; ""Coordinated Road Network Search for Multiple UAVs Using Dubins Path""; ""Introduction""; ""Road Network Search Problem""; ""Heuristic Algorithms for Multi-Agent Road Network Search""; ""Cluster Algorithm""; ""First Route Algorithm""; ""Coordinated Road Network Search for Multiple UAVs""; ""Generation of the Shortest Edge Permutation""
متن يادداشت
""Transition to the Helix Trajectory""""Flight Test and Results""; ""Summary""; ""References""; ""Maneuver Envelope Determination through Reachability Analysis""; ""Introduction""; ""Maneuver Envelope and Reachability""; ""Flight Envelope Protection""; ""Safe Maneuvering Envelope""; ""Reachable Sets""; ""Safe Maneuver Envelope through Reachable Set Analysis""; ""Semi-lagrangian Reachable Set Analysis""; ""Time Evolution""; ""Hamilton-Jacobi Partial Differential Equation""; ""F-16 Longitudinal Maneuver Envelope""; ""F-16 Model""; ""Scenarios and Trim Set Determination""
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یادداشتهای مربوط به خلاصه یا چکیده
متن يادداشت
Over the last few decades, both the aeronautics and space disciplines have greatly influenced advances in controls, sensors, data fusion and navigation. Many of those achievements that made the word?aerospace? synonymous with?high-tech? were enabled by innovations in guidance, navigation and control. Europe has seen a strong trans-national consolidation process in aerospace over the last few decades. Most of the visible products, like commercial aircraft, fighters, helicopters, satellites, launchers or missiles, are not made by a single country - they are the fruits of cooperation. No European country by itself hosts a specialized guidance, navigation and controls community large enough to cover the whole spectrum of disciplines. However, on a European scale, mutual exchange of ideas, concepts and solutions is enriching for all. The 1st CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control is an attempt to bring this community together. This book is a selection of papers presented at the conference. All submitted papers have gone through a formal review process in compliance with good journal practices. The best papers have been recommended by the reviewers to be published in this book.
یادداشتهای مربوط به سفارشات
منبع سفارش / آدرس اشتراک
شماره انبار
ویراست دیگر از اثر در قالب دیگر رسانه
Advances in aerospace guidance, navigation and control.