V.1. 1. Les donnees geographiques dans le Matigan Hazar Datistan / J. De menasce / ) Indo - Iranica, 1964, Otto Harrassowits Wiesbaden, 149-154 (.-- 2. H. S. Nyberg, A Manual of pahlavi I. Wiesbaden, 1964 / J. De menasce / )IIJ 8, 4, 1965, 308--311 (.-- 3. Istanbul'da bulunan bir Bizans lahtindeki pehlevi kitabe ) Une Inscription pehlevie sur un Sarcophage Byzantin( / J. De menasce / )In: Istanbul Arkeoloji Muzeleri Yilligi, 13-14, 1966, 68-70 and 118-120 (.-- 4. Textes Pehlevis sur les Qanats / J. De menasce / ) AO, 30, 1966, 167-175 (.-- 5. Problemes des Mazdeens dans L'Iran Musulman / J. De menasce / ) In: Festschrift fur Wilhelm Eilers Wiesbaden, 1967, 220-230(.--6. Chronique / J. De menasce / ) RHR, 171/2, 1967, 257-258(.-- 7. Early evidence for the symbolic meaning of the Kustik / J. De menasce / ) In: Sir J. J. Zarthoshti Madressa Centenary Volme Bombay, 1967, 17-18(.-- 8. L'inscription Funerairen pehlevie D'lstsnbul / J. De menasce ) Iranica Antiqua, 7, 1967, 59-71 (.--9. The experience of the spirit in Christain Mysticism / J. De menasce / ) In: the Mystic vision, Papers from the Eranos yearBooks, ed J. Campbell, New York 1968, 324-347 (.--10. Jews aand Judaism in the Third book of the denkart / J. De menasce / ) In: K. R.Cama Oriental Institute Golden Jubilee Volum Bombay, 1969, 45-48 (.-- 11. Un Chapitur cosmogonique du Denkrt / J. De menasce / ) In: Pratidanam, Indian, Iranian and Indo European Studies presented to F. B. J. kuiper on his sixtieth Birthday, Mouton 193-200 (.--12. Religions de I' ancien Iran / J. De menasce / ) In: Problemes et methodes d'histoire des Religions Ecole Pratique des hautes Etudes Vesection - siences religieuses, Presses Universitaires de France. 107-111 (.-- 13. Formules Juridiques / J. De menasce / ) In: Bulletin of the Iranian Culture Fundation Vol.1, 1, 1969, 11-20 (.--14. Fragments Manicheens de Paris / J. De menasce / )In: W. B. Henning Memorial Volume, London, 1970, 303-306 (.--15. Exegese Spirituelled'un mythe geographique Mazdeen / J. De menasce / )JA, 1971, 21-24(.-- 16. Abursam ou Abraham? / J. De menasce / ) Beitrage zur Namenforschung. Neue Folge, Band 7, 1972, Heft 1, 77-78 (.--17. Dix And d'etudes Pehlevies: Publication de textes / J. De menasce / ) ST. IR., 1-1972-1, 133-139 (.--18. A propos d'une inscription arameenne d'Asoka / J. De menasce / ) IOS II, 1972, 290-292 (.--19. Observations d'un dysarthrique sur ses moyens de communication / J. De menasce / )Journal de psychologie, 1-2, 1973, 209-220 (.--20. Mutazila et theologie Mazdeenne / J. De menasce / ) Etudes Philosophiqes Presentees au Dr. Ibrahim Madkour, 1974, 43-48 (.--21. Vieux - perse Artavan et Pehlevi ahrav / J. De menasce / ) Melanges d' Histoire des Religions, Offerts a Henri - charles Puech, 1974, 57-62 (.--V.2. 1. Xerxes and the Esagila Temple in Babylon / Muhammad Dandamaev / ) BAI, 7, 1993, 41-45 (.--2. Iranianm Impact on the Southeastern Coast of China in the 7th-15th Centuries: A Study on the Archaeological evidence / Chen Dasheng / ) In: Internationmal seminar on The Impact of Iranian Culture On the Silk Roads. Iran, 1995, 1-27 (.--3. The Annals of Hamzah Al-Isfahani / U. M. Daudpota / ) In: the Journal Of the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute, No.22,. Bombay, 1932, 58-119 (.--4. Werner Thomas, Formale Besonderheiten in metrischen Texten des Tocharischen: Zur Verteilung von B tane / the "hier" und B nake / nke, jetzt', Wiesbaden, 1979 / U. M. Daudpota / ) Reviewed by Rudolf Dietz, In: IF, 87, 1982, 277-280 (.--5. Subjunctive for indicative in Avestan / Dorothy Disterheft / ) KZ, 93, 1979, 25-30 ( .--6. Iranian Manuscripts in the Library of India Office / M. N. Dhalla / ) JARS. 1912, 387-398 (.--7. Remarks about the Persian Script / Bayard Dodge / ) Form The Fihrist of al-Nadim. a Tenth - Century Survey of Muslim Culture (.-- 8. The Name and the role of or Sahraplakan / C. J. F. Dowsett / ) Byzantion, 21/2, 1951, 311-321 (.-- 9. The Aramaic Papyri form Egypt: Ntes on Obscure Passages / G. R. Driver / ) JRAS, 1932, 77-90 ( .--10. La Sabha de Yama / Georges Dumezil / ) JA, 1965, 161-165 (.--11. Visnu et Les marut a Travers La reforme Zoroastrinne / Georges Dumezil / )JA, 1953, 1-25(.--12. Quelques azxpects de la penetration de l'hellenisme dans l'Empire perse Sassanide )IV-VII Siecles( / Jean - Francois Duneau / ) In: Melanges Rene Srozet I, 1966, 13-22 (
عنوان قراردادی
عنوان قراردادي
#Opera minora )23(
نام شخص به منزله سر شناسه - (مسئولیت معنوی درجه اول )