.Today the food industry, one of the largest consumers of plastic materials, is based on petroleum derivatives and These materials have very weak degradation and severe environmental pollution. So development of the materials is based on natural and environmental compatibility can be substituted and it solves the environmental problems caused by traditional plastics. For this reason, research is pushed into the production of packaging materials based on biopolymers and biodegradable material. Because of the fact that CMC was cheap and available, it is one of the most significant of biodegradable polymers. Unfortunately, there are some limitations of the power to develop products based on biopolymers, including poor mechanical properties, high water vapor permeability compared to polymers derived from petroleum derivatives and their high hydrophilic property. In this research, silver nanoparticles, zinc oxide and copper oxide were used and included in the context of biopolymer; eventually prepared nanobiocomposite films were experimented under scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXA), water vapor permeability (WVP), ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), mechanical and microbial tests to specify the features of the films. The results indicated that there were some fragmental and smooth surfaces on the pure CMC film observed in SEM pictures, while a rough fragment surface was seen for the CMC based nanobiocomposite films and the EDXA test confirmed the presence of silver nanoparticles, zinc oxide and copper oxide. In UV-Vis test, the rate of absorption was raised by adding the nanoparticles compared to the pure CMC film; moreover, the rate of water vapor permeability (WVP) was decreased. These two factors play an important role in reducing the food spoilage and preserving the quality of foodstuffs. By fulfilling the mechanical test, the added nanoparticles demonstrated a more tensile strength in films and the nanobiocomposite films were revealed more resistant compared with the pure CMC film which facilitate the transporting and storing the foodstuffs. As being an antimicrobial stuff, the nanoparticles resolve the food spoilage; furthermore, compared to the pure CMC film, the presence of nanoparticles exposed an antimicrobial feature on Escherichia Coli bacteria and Staphylococcus Aureus. Consequently, these kind of films can be used as active packing and raise the foodstuff durability
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