Includes bibliographical references (pages 133-138) and index.
Learning to improve student achievement -- Challenges of re-culturing schools into learning communities -- Developing communities of practice in schools -- Professional development in support of teacher learning communities -- Teacher learning communities and the broader context -- Everyone a learner: challenges and promising practices -- A local learning system to support teacher learning communities.
Building on extensive evidence that school-based teacher learning communities improve student outcomes, this book lays out an agenda to develop and sustain collaborative professional cultures. McLaughlin and Talbert, foremost scholars of school change and teaching contexts, provide an inside look at the processes, resources, and system strategies that are necessary to build vibrant school-based teacher learning communities.
Building school-based teacher learning communities.
Building school-based teacher learning communities.
Educational change-- United States.
Teachers-- In-service training-- United States.
Teachers-- Training of-- United States.
Enseignants-- Formation en cours d'emploi-- États-Unis.