Food properties and computer-aided engineering of food processing system
/ edited by R.Paul Singh and Augosto G. Medina
Dordrecht [Netherlands
: published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division [by] Kluwer
, 1988
xiv, 593p. ill
; 25 cm
NATO ASI series. Series E, Applied Sciences
Processing ASI series. Series E, Applied sciences
; vol. 168
Processing of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Food Properties and Computer-aided engineering of Food Processing Systems, Porto, Portugal October 16-21, 1988--T.P. verso
Includes bibliographies and index
Food industry and trade-- Data processing-- Congresses
Food-- Testing-- Congresses
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Food Properties and Computer-aided Engineering of Food Processing Systems (1988: Porto, Portugal), author
Medina, Augosto G
Singh, R. Paul
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Scientific Affairs Division